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Category: Email
email >> checker ???

code to check an email, when submitted


function emailcheck($intext) {
$theresults = ereg("^[^@ ]+@[^@ ]+\.[^@ \.]+$", $intext, $trashed);
if ($theresults) { $echeck = "yes"; } else { $echeck = "no"; }

this checks its in the


so if i say

if ($echeck == "yes")
echo "yes";
} else {
echo "no";

it should return *yes* if its a propper email and *no* if it aint,

it does not do this, HELP!!!!

i think u havent understood concept of function.

the variable in function are limited to use within function only unless u have defined them global.

so here $echeck is existing onlytill function executes then it expires.

here u would like to use the return value. that would be better.

so tweak ur code like this./


function emailcheck($intext) {
$theresults = ereg("^[^@ ]+@[^@ ]+.[^@ .]+$", $intext, $trashed);
if ($theresults) { return true;} else { return false; }// u would like to use boolean value for such use. dont u ??

and in ur script

if( emailcheck($email))
echo "yes";
else {
echo "no";

and yeah a more comprehensive email vaildating syntax can be found here ( check out the user comments.

hope it helps,

cheers, it was the true of false i was missing, i have stuck with the example i wrote, as i now understand it,

cheers again


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